Airdrop: How to Claim 100 BNB HODL Tokens ($BHT) into your Trust Wallet.

Posted 2 years ago

by shakiez893

This post shows all the steps on how to claim 100 BNB HODL Tokens ($BHT) into your Trust Wallet.

About 100 BNB HODL Tokens ($BHT)

"BNB HODL is an infrastructure project for token mining. The main objective of the project is to provide simple and comprehensible access to token mining for participants of different expertise levels — from newbies to professionals

The BNB HODL is a key project and an expedient strengthening of the Binance blockchain. BNB HODL is also a platform where Staker's plant now, and harvest with estimated percentages".


Network: Smart Chain (Bep 20)

Contract Address: 0x7e5659009045d58Cb3218661dF075c4702153E45


Symbol: BHT

Decimal: 18

1. Airdrop Link:

2. Copy the airdrop link above

3. Paste in your Dapps browser load and change your network to smart chain

4. Click on the claim airdrop button, connect wallet, and approve the smart call contract page

5. Copy contract address and add custom token

Still not clear?

Watch video below

Source: Youtube

Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only it has no guarantee for earning after performing the steps herein, the publisher is not a financial advisor.

This airdrop contains some links from third-party sites and Aozforum will not be held responsible for them please be informed.

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