NFT Drops: Best NFTs To Buy in 2022

Posted 2 years ago

by shakiez893

This post is to show where to buy the best next-rated 2022 NFTs-Non Fungible Tokens, with these amazing marketing entities that will be profitable in the nearest future.

I’m going to take you through the process of how to get these NFTs and make some dollars for yourself.

Sneakerheads NFT

Welcome to the Sneakerheads Metaverse! Collection of 3.333 unique and stylish 3D NFT's.

SNEAKERHEADS are a collection of 3,333 randomly generated SNEAKERHEADS which are stored on Solana blockchain.

The characters are made with more than 300 custom designed characteristics and with around 100 unique sneakers with ability to create around 15 million absolutely unique combinations.

Each Sneakerhead is non-sequentially minted and provably unique. To more Art check out our sneak peeks Gallery.

vPossessing our NFT is not just owning a cool 3D Art and having a chance to be a part of the SNEAKERHEADS Community it’s many more scroll to Road Map to find out…

World of Women NFT

WoW’s vision is to build an inclusive web3 through its collection and community. According to research published in Nov. 2021, female artists accounted for just 5% of all NFT art sales in the prior 21 months. WoW is on a mission to change this. Together, we can create opportunities for anyone around the world to be owners, creators and contributors in this new era of the web.

We believe in giving back from Day 1. With the WoW community, we’re taking action to increase diversity in the NFT space, educate and onboard the next generation of creators and builders, and create equal opportunities for everyone. The time is now.

Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT

Bored Ape Yacht Club, or BAYC, is a top-selling series of NFTs owned by Yuga Labs. The NFT collection had anonymous creators until February when BuzzFeed News reported that they were Greg Solano, a 32-year-old writer and editor, and Wylie Aronow, a 35-year-old from Florida.

It’s customary in the NFT space for creators to maintain this kind of anonymity, which raises questions about fair payment.

For instance, the BAYC creators came up with the idea of rich apes living in a swamp clubhouse, then hired freelance artists to design the apes, and partnered with two engineers, whose identities are still unknown, to launch the NFT project.

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World of Women NFT:

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Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT:

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Source: Youtube

Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only it has no guarantee for earning after performing the steps herein, the publisher is not a financial advisor.

This airdrop contains some links from third-party sites and Aozforum will not be held responsible for them please be informed

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