Blockchain Technology | What Is Blockchain Technology? | Blockchain Explained | Simplilearn

Posted 2 years ago

by shakiez893

This video on Blockchain covers all the important concepts from basics to advanced. Also, it covers all the information about Blockchain like how it came into the picture, how Blockchain works, what are the features of Blockchain, how transactions take place in blockchain, which hashing algorithm it uses, what is mining, and what are miners?, and what is Proof-of-Work

These are the facts we will be discussing in this video:

00:00 Issues with the current banking system

02:13 How bitcoin solved these issues

05:33 What is Blockchain Technology

08:33 Features of Blockchain

17:23 Use Case

#Blockchain #BlockchainTechnology #BlockchainTechnologyForBeginners #BlokchainTechnologyExplained #BlockchainForBeginners #Simplilearn

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, of the public in several databases, known as the “chain,” in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. This storage is referred to as a ‘digital ledger.’ Every transaction in this ledger is authorized by the digital signature of the owner, which authenticates the transaction and safeguards it from tampering. Hence, the information the digital ledger contains is highly secure. In our blockchain tutorial, you’ll learn about bitcoin mining, how blockchain work, the process of transaction, and more. You will also learn about the Blockchain Wallet, Cryptocurrency, and Ethereum.

About Simplilearn Blockchain Certification Training:

Simplilearn’s Blockchain Certification Training has been designed for developers who want to decipher the global craze surrounding Blockchain, Bitcoin,, and cryptocurrencies. You’ll learn the core structure and technical mechanisms of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Multichain Blockchain platforms, use the latest tools to build Blockchain applications, set up your own private Blockchain, deploy smart contracts on Ethereum and gain practical experience with real-world projects.

Why learn Blockchain?

Blockchain technology is the brainchild of Satoshi Nakamoto, which enables digital information to be distributed. A network of computing nodes makes up the Blockchain. Durability, robustness, success rate, transparency, and incorruptibility are some of the enticing characteristics of Blockchain. By design, Blockchain is a decentralized technology that is used by a global network of computers to manage Bitcoin transactions easily. Many new business applications will result in the usage of Blockchain such as Crowdfunding, smart contracts, supply chain auditing, Internet of Things(IoT), etc.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

1. Apply Bitcoin and Blockchain concepts in business situations

2. Build compelling Blockchain applications using the Ethereum Blockchain

3. Design, test and deploy secure Smart Contracts

4. Use the latest version of Ethereum development tools (Web3 v1.0)

5. Develop Hyperledger Blockchain applications using Composer Framework

6. Model the Blockchain applications using a Composer modeling language

7. Describe the various components of Hyperledger Fabric Technology (Peers, Orderer, MSP, CA)

The Blockchain Certification Training Course is recommended for:

1. Developers

2. Technologists interested in learning Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Blockchain

3. Technology architects wanting to expand their skills to Blockchain technology

4. Professionals curious to learn how Blockchain technology can change the way we do business

5. Entrepreneurs with technology background interested in realizing their business ideas on the Blockchain

6. Anyone interested in ERC20 tokens and ICOs


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