Create a TRUST WALLET and Link with PANCAKESWAP via DApps - All Steps

Posted 2 years ago

by shakiez893

This post will put you through the vivid steps on how to create your Trust Wallet account and link it with a Pancakeswap account.

Below are the basic steps on how to create your Trust Wallet and link with Pancakeswap through DApps browser.

1. Download Trust Wallet app on your Apple Store or Play Store.

2. Create a Trust Wallet account and save the 12-phrases recovery code safely 

Tip: That will serve as your password to log into your wallet on any other phone please don't share it with anyone.

3. Add BNB coin to the trust wallet.

4.  Click on DApps on the bottom of the home screen allow it to load completely.

5. Type in the search bar.

6.  Click on "Connect Wallet" and select "Wallet connect"  on the next page that appears and select the trust wallet icons among the options to connect.

7. You will be taken back to the browser, where you will see Pancakeswap wants to connect to your wallet, click on connect.

8. Click on "start earning" and select trade.

Tips for Pump. 

For those who have access to pump signals

1. Click on the pancakeswap site link and wait 5-10 seconds after which you will see a window for  "I understand" checkbox.

2. Select settings from the site choose slippage tolerance 12.00%, select Swap and Confirm.

Note: you need to have BNB coin in your trust wallet for swap fee and this tips are just example you may have a different signal with different features.

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